About Me

Kutullo Pheladi
K2, Boss Zonke
Crocheter, Aspiring Entrepreneur, Blogger
Date Of Birth
12 January 199x
Full-time student
Blogging, Music, Crafting, Reading 

Ke mmina mmaletswetswe tau ya godimo, ke ra lona lenong, kgoši ya dinyonyana.
I am a young, hardworking, self-disciplined Mopedi girl from a small lively town called Jane Furse, located in Ga-Sekhukhune (Sekhukhune District) in the lovely Limpopo Province. 

I got my primary school education around 2005-2011 at Jane Furse Comprehensive school,  one of the few combined schools (at that time), located in rural areas, which had first-class facilities i.e classrooms, computer labs, and libraries. Interestingly enough, even though Jane Furse is regarded as a rural area, I learned English quicker and performed very well academically, much better than Sepedi, my Home Language.

My experience there was bitter-sweet. I had my fair share of really thoughtful and inspiring teachers but at the same time, I had a tough time finding a sense of belonging. I experienced a handful of expenses of being bullied by my peers and some of my teachers. I am, however, really grateful for the experience for it has played a big role in allowing me to become the strong, outspoken, assertive young lady I am now. 

I then completed my high school education at Groblersdal Academy, a school in another town in the same district called Groblersdal. The school is predominantly under white management. I was taught by only 4 black teachers, over about 12 white teachers, yet my love for Sepedi slowly developed then. It was then that I started to realize that there was something wrong. 

I probably got a wake-up call came when someone once asked me why I spoke English with 100% Bapedi people, which is a bad habit that I am still working on, yet I still do not know why I do that, even until this day and I am kind of ashamed of it. 
A Mopedi who does not know much of Sepedi clearly is disoriented. (...as I stare myself in the mirror judgementally. sigh) 

Long story short, we are here today, on this blog I am excited about, that I have been delaying to start out for more than 3 years of fear. However, because of the love for my language, which kept burning inside me, I finally found the courage to share it over this platform, with the viewers of my blog, whom I hope can gain more knowledge about the language, to share with the next coming generations of Bapedi. But what I am really aiming for that is most important to me, for more Bapedi youth to regain their love for their roots.

What you can look forward to on this blog is lots of information on the Pedi culture, history, language, and more. If you're as inquisitive as I am, or even more then Welcome home!

Do you think the Sepedi culture is in the safe hands of the current generation considering how we speak so much English?
Are we truly lost or ignorant, considering how bad our Sepedi grammar is, that we cannot even pick up any mistake like we do with English?

Please do comment down below and share your honest opinion. 😘

Be on the lookout for the next post: The history of  Bapedi People

...Tsebo ga ena sekhutlo
       (There is no end to education/knowledge)

Chat with me via 
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/kutullo_k2
TWITTER: twitter.com/kutullo_k2
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Under Construction🔺
BLOG: kemopediii@blogger.com
EMAIL: kutullo199x@gmail.com


  1. I do agree that we are out of touch with Pedi because re golela nakong tse elego gore the western culture dominate the world and motho o bonelwa fase for not being westernized re re motho ase a hlabologe for embracing their African culture. Kannet go bohloko gobane polelo ya se gaborena, sepedi le setso sarena ase sabolokega gobane from generation to generation there is a decline in practice of the Pedi livelihood

    1. Ka nnete. ke kwa ke boifa gore mengwageng ye e latelago tlabe Sepedi e le selo se sengwe sa kgale kudu.

  2. O tloga o nkgahla kudu. O tswele pele kgarebe ya mopedi go godisa se gafa o rena.Lefase le tla tloga le kgahlisa ele ruri. Modimo a Duke a go eme nokeng


    GE o hloka thekgo ore tsebise gobane Sepedi Sere tau tsa hloka seboka di sitwa ke nare e hlotsa


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