
Showing posts from 2020

The history of Bapedi people

   20 Mopitlo 2020 Basadi le makgarebe a bapedi Source: Thato Tinte, Bapedi, also known as Pedi, Basotho, or Northern Sotho is a tribe found in South Africa, which forms part of the Sotho group. Sotho is a name derived from ‘batho ba baso’ which means black people. The Sotho group is divided into 3 subgroups: Northern Sotho (Bapedi), Southern Sotho (Batswana), and Western Sotho (Basotho). “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter…”  - Chinua Achebe The Northern Sotho is further subdivided into the high-veld Sotho and the Low-veld Sotho. With the high-veld Sotho being the recent immigrants mostly from the West and South Western parts, they include the following Northern Sotho dialects: Bapedi, Batau, Bakone, Baroka, BaNtwane, Ba Ga-Mphahle, Ba Ga-Tšhwene, Ba Ga-Mathabathe, Ba Ga-Dikgale, Batlokwa, Gananwa, and Moletši. And the low-veld Sotho is combined immigrants from the North with longer-standing inhab

About Me

Name Kutullo Pheladi Nicknames K2, Boss Zonke Craft(s) Crocheter, Aspiring Entrepreneur, Blogger Date Of Birth 12 January 199x Occupation Full-time student Hobbies Blogging, Music, Crafting, Reading  Ke mmina mmaletswetswe tau ya godimo, ke ra lona lenong, kgoši ya dinyonyana . I am a young, hardworking, self-disciplined Mopedi girl from a small lively town called Jane Furse, located in Ga-Sekhukhune (Sekhukhune District) in the lovely Limpopo Province.  I got my primary school education around 2005-2011 at Jane Furse Comprehensive school,  one of the few combined schools (at that time), located in rural areas, which had first-class facilities i.e classrooms, computer labs, and libraries. Interestingly enough, even though Jane Furse is regarded as a rural area, I learned English quicker and performed very well academically, much better than Sepedi, my Home Language. My experience there was bitter-sweet. I had my fair share of real