
Showing posts from May, 2020

The history of Bapedi people

   20 Mopitlo 2020 Basadi le makgarebe a bapedi Source: Thato Tinte, Bapedi, also known as Pedi, Basotho, or Northern Sotho is a tribe found in South Africa, which forms part of the Sotho group. Sotho is a name derived from ‘batho ba baso’ which means black people. The Sotho group is divided into 3 subgroups: Northern Sotho (Bapedi), Southern Sotho (Batswana), and Western Sotho (Basotho). “Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter…”  - Chinua Achebe The Northern Sotho is further subdivided into the high-veld Sotho and the Low-veld Sotho. With the high-veld Sotho being the recent immigrants mostly from the West and South Western parts, they include the following Northern Sotho dialects: Bapedi, Batau, Bakone, Baroka, BaNtwane, Ba Ga-Mphahle, Ba Ga-Tšhwene, Ba Ga-Mathabathe, Ba Ga-Dikgale, Batlokwa, Gananwa, and Moletši. And the low-veld Sotho is combined immigrants from the North with longer-standing inhab